

能鏈智電(NASDAQ:NAAS)總部位於「綠水青山就是金山銀山」兩山理念發源地——浙江安吉,是中國規模最大且增長最快的電動汽車充電服務商之一。 能鏈智電為充電運營商及電動車車主提供線上線下充電解決方案及非電增值服務,並服務於充電樁生產企業、主機廠及其他行業合作夥伴, 致力於讓電動汽車充電更快捷、體驗更佳,讓產業鏈各方運營更高效。

Becoming The World's Leading Provider of New Energy Services


Ev chargers

2.251 billion degrees

Charging volume in the first half of 2023


of national public charging capacity (2023 first quarter data)

Over1,840,000 tons

2022 Cardon emission reduction

3 Core Solution

Online Charging Solutions

Operation support, online payment, charging pile management, order management, load management

Offline Charging Solutions

Site selection, hardware procurement, EPC engineering, optical storage and charging integration and other station upgrades, full station operations

Innovation and other solutions

Virtual power plants and power procurement services, Automatic charging robots, Retail services, Ancillary services

Network side

Participate in peak and frequency regulation of the power grid, improve the stability of the power grid operation, and build an intelligent power grid


Build distributed energy storage power stations and shared energy storage power stations in the park, peak-grain arbitrage, demand management, and optimization of the supply-demand relationship between the power grid and the load in the park

Power generation

NaaS EV charging stations support a wide range of charging interfaces and are compatible with all types of electric vehicles. naaS also has a unique battery storage system that provides the best charging solution for car parks with insufficient power.

Charging Station (V2G)

With charging stations as the core, building distributed PV power generation and energy storage systems, peak-grain arbitrage, dynamic capacity increase, light-storage coupling, and participation in VPP aggregation

Home User

Combination of optical storage, self-generation, residual power to the Internet, providing critical load backup

NaaS Unveils First Automatic Charging Robot

Intelligently charge EVs on indoor and outdoor parking lots 24 hours a day

Our purpose

As a strategic partner of NaaS, we will be committed to providing car owners with the highest quality charging products and services. By choosing our different solutions and NaaS charging products, you will enjoy high-efficiency charging, intelligent management, strong compatibility, environmental protection and energy saving, and high-quality Huawei electric vehicle charging products, making your green travel more convenient and efficient.

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